Saturday, May 3

Coming Home

I moved out of college yesterday, and seemingly away from the Westmont community, this network of friends that love me so well and so willingly. I miss them all already. It seems very strange that I cannot go next door to see and hug them, talk to them about the God who lives, laugh about nothing, dance and hug some more. We are all fans of interdigitating (that is, hand-holding with interlocking fingers!) In any case, I am very sad, but it is good to be home. I love my family, even as they frustrate me and make me want to run away. This is a season of stopping the busyness that usually defines my life, a time to listen to God, to read, to pray, to write.
Coincidentally, it is time to start a blog. I am always impressed by you people that keep well-run blogs, so now I've optimistically decided to be one of you! Hopefully this will last longer than most new years resolutions =)
Well, I guess I just want to begin with the things that I am thankful for...God has done so much and he just orchestrates this life I lead to be filled with beauty and community and love and joy. Oh praise him all you that breathe!

Thankyou, Lord for this day, for waking up rested and content in you.
Thankyou for my family, for the love they give me, for the time that we will have together this summer.
Thankyou for letting me see my grandparents today! Love them, good hugs, good talks!
Thankyou for the love of my friends, for the joys and sorrows that we have been through together, for the ridiculousness, for the laughs.
Oh Lord thankyou for the gift of your son, that you seek after my heart, that you call me like a lover, that I am made new and beautiful in your word.
Thankyou, oh God, for your faithfulness.

I have no idea where I will be going in the next four months, but there is an incredible peace now. God is moving in my soul, stirring and settling, breathing life and pressing healing hands into all the wounds my own sick sin has made. How can I not sing for the joy of it all?

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